Guarantor of sustainability of mining companies

Our advantages page About Us

Our advantages page About Us

Our advantages



Delivery of products from a number of world producers with which close contact allows to provide customers with comprehensive consultation at all stages of cooperation. Reputation of reliable business partner offers the potential for dynamic development and allows to face the future with confidence.

Complex Deliveries

A wide list of products and an open mind about searching new partners allow to solve the most difficult tasks in terms of carrying out complicated projects supplying all the necessary goods and services from one source.

Optimal Price

In price policy making preference is given to the companies with advantageous correlation of price and quality. A well-established producers’ discount system and well-developed logistics networks allow to act in the interest of a customer in making technical and commercial proposals.

Accreditation on ETA

Accreditation on the state and commercial electronic areas affords to take part in tenders and auctions successfully that guarantees the possibility of cooperation on the basis of customer’s internal regulations.

Deferral of Payment

Flexible working arrangements make it possible to create for our customers the most comfortable conditions to implement project at any time.

Warehouse Reserve

There is warehouse reserve of the most demanded products in different regions that ensures the minimum time frames of delivery to anywhere.

Tech Support & Service

Being focused on considered and client-oriented service solutions we provide our customers with the concept consisting of services that take the customer’s interests into consideration at high level of reliability.

International Team

EnProTech Ltd creates dynamic interaction among all the participants of the alignment process due to the solid team of professionals proficient in several foreign languages. Good international collaboration allows to deliver the high-tech imported equipment to Russian companies so increasing the quality of the supplied by them production on the global market.



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